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Rebekah in jeans and a white shirt sitting down with her dog. Rebekah is laughing at Shashi's goofy pose.

Who am I?

Curious. Adventurous. Dog-mom. Tri-athlete. Creative. Survivor. LGBTQ+ ally. Anti-racist. Anti-barriers. Pro-science.


I grew up with family who embodied the importance of education and the freedom it brings. Always with books under my nose and dirt between my toes, I embrace knowledge and nature as dear friends-- connections that grow stronger every day. Born and raised in Mississippi, I moved out West after obtaining my undergraduate degree to adventure on my own and test my resilience. A believer in embracing your weird, I chose Portland, Oregon as my home away from home in 2016. 


In 2018, I completed my 200hr teacher training at Yoyo Yogi. My love for neuroscience and psychology melds with my love for yoga. To me, each is necessary to understand the other. Scientists continue to discover the extensive power of the brain and mind. The mind is intimately intertwined with the brain; the brain delicately and precisely in tune with the body. Therefore, my approach to yoga, to mindfulness, to healing, and to life is a holistic, intentional approach founded on self-compassion and connection to All to discover and develop the Self.


In April 2020, I completed my Masters in Education for School Counseling. My focus throughout my program was developing a neuroscience and mindfulness curriculum to students. I grew up with an anxiety disorder, but I wasn't diagnosed and didn't begin managing my anxiety until my early twenties. Because of this experience as well as my time in Portland Public schools as volunteer and intern, I understand the student need of socio-emotional regulation and skill development. Discovery and development of Self starts at birth and is a lifelong journey. Adolescence is a crucial stage where self-compassion and sense of Self can flourish or falter. Today, adolescents face challenges and pressures like never before. It is my calling to provide the younger generation with support, compassion, and skills development to empower them to realize and step into their unlimited potential.


Yoga Philosophy

My philosophy on life and yoga is one of Balance. Rooting down to reach high. Diving deep to rise up. Connecting with Self to connect with All. Yoga means "union"; union of movement to breath, body to mind. To test and strengthen one, you must test and strengthen the other. Strength without flexibility yields brittleness--crumbling in the face of pressure. Flexibility without strength yields slack-- inability to stand up on one's own. Yoga provides the space to cultivate strength and flexibility of both body and mind.


To me yoga is not a religious practice, but it is spiritual. I do not bring in religion to my teaching, but I do bring in connection to the very fabric of life and Being--one might call that spiritual. I might bring in quotes from religious teachers, never to push one religion over another, but simply to soak in wise words and engage with different perspectives.



While I do not speak of religion or spirituality directly, I teach yoga and mindfulness as a way to foster a deeper connection with one's sense of Self and with all humans. This could affect your students' religious and/or spiritual beliefs. I encourage you to talk to them about their beliefs if they have questions.


My path may not be your path. If you are curious or unsure about the spiritual side of yoga, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.


"Truth is One. Paths are many." -Mahatma Ghandi

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