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Body & Emotional Awareness
(BEA) Skills Practice

What it is

Each session will be catered to the specific needs of the client.


A session includes but is not limited to:

  • psycho-education (basic neuroscience, how the brain assesses for and reacts to stressors)

  • simple body movement (gentle stretching, light yoga)

  • breathing exercises

  • relaxation/meditation


     This approach is rooted in science, specifically by strengthening interoception. Interoception is the internal awareness of an individual's body, emotions, and mind. This includes noticing when you're hungry or full, when you're tired, angry, or injured. Studies have shown than increased interoception leads to increased resilience when confronted with stressful situations as well as increased recovery time from past stressful situations.


All sessions are virtual.

What it isn't

     I am not a therapist. I do not diagnose or treat specific diagnoses. While I will of course talk with my clients about their needs and stressors, sessions will be more focused on practicing skills and body movement and less like a typical talk therapy session. These sessions are a great addition to talk therapy or for anyone interested in becoming more connected with their self and emotions.


     Because of my education and trainings, I have a working knowledge of most diagnoses and general treatment which I will use to gauge when we have left my area of expertise and entered an area better suited for a trained therapist or counselor.

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