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What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of calming one's mind through focused attention. 


What does practicing mindfulness look like?

There are an infinite amount of ways to practice mindfulness. All forms usually encourage sitting comfortably with good, relaxed posture and breathing slowly and deeply. From here, one can repeat affirmations out loud or silently  ("I am loved", "Peace begins with me", "I am strong"), count the lengths of inhales and exhales, or otherwise focus attention away from outside distraction and inner stream of thoughts. Eyes can be closed or open looking at one point. Visualizations can also be used to focus attention. One of my favorites to teach for closed-eyes is imaging a flower slowly growing from the base of the spine up through the crown of the head where it blooms. You can look at a calm/happy photo, painting, or other object such as a candle's flame. Youtube has a variety of a calming videos to assist mindfulness.


What is the purpose of mindfulness? How will it benefit me/my child?

People are brought to mindfulness for a variety of reasons. I began a mindfulness/meditation practice as a calming technique for my anxiety. Mindfulness has been incredibly beneficial in reducing anxious thoughts and general stress as well as improving my self-esteem, focus, and sense of Self. Simply put, mindfulness helps me feel more grounded.


For direct feedback from 6th-8th graders whom I taught visit my page From Past Students


Research has shown that students who learn mindfulness and yoga have increased self-esteem, discipline, self-regulation, creativity, concentration, physical fitness, and grades. There are many benefits of mindfulness-based interventions including reduced anxiety, depression, and aggression and improved attention, motor development, and physical fitness (Bögels, et al., 2008; Bubela & Gaylord, 2014; Hainsworth et al., 2014; Wicksell, et al., 2007; Zylowska, et al., 2008).


Yoga Calm, whose trainings I have attended, is a wonderful resource on this topic.



What is the purpose of yoga? How will it benefit me/my child?

According to Pantanjali, an ancient Indian sage who wrote on yoga philosophy, says that the purpose of yoga is to still the fluctuations of the mind. The word "yoga" is Sanskrit and means "union". The union of breath to movement takes yoga beyond a simple workout. Yoga uses the physical body to dive deeper into the mind. A full union of breath to body and body to mind allow kids and adults alike to explore strength, balance, and acceptance of both the physical yoga poses and mental mindful moments.


Yoga is particularly beneficial to kids because this balance between physical and mental. Kids need to move. Yoga provides movement while simultaneously teaching mindfulness, determination, and acceptance.


For more information visit


Isn't yoga a religious practice?

Not inherently. One individual can benefit from yoga and mindfulness without thinking of any religion while in the same class, another individual is having a profound religious experience. I personally find yoga a spiritual practice as it opens me up to connection with life, my purpose, and all living things. This doesn't hold true for everyone and yet yoga can still happen. For more of my thoughts on this topic visit the Yoga Philosophy part of the About Me page.


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