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The Power of Mantras

A mantra is “a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation”or “a statement or slogan repeated frequently”. I personally believe mantras have deep personal meaning to the one meditating. What that looks like exactly varies for every person. Mantras can have any length and meaning and aid in the meditator’s concentration and provide any other benefits they would like to get from that session.

The best way for me to explain this is to share some of my current mantras with you.

“I am on the earth. I am of the earth.”

I repeat this mantra when I need to ground into calming energy. I usually start my meditations by repeating this mantra for a few minutes. These words help me connect to my physical body and my connection with the earth and All around me. This mantra was told to me by another yogi.

“I am Truth— lies do not touch me. I am Love— fear does not hold me. I am Light— darkness does not blind me.”

I repeat this mantra when I need encouragement. Repeating these words is the next best thing to a hug. When I repeat this mantra, I’m reminded of the Oneness, the Great Truth, Love, and Light that exists within me and All things. I’m reminded that only I know what I’ve been through and how it’s affected me and that other people’s perspectives and beliefs on my life does not affect my experience, my Truth. I hold my Truth-- no matter how painful-- with Love and Light.

This mantra came to me during meditation when I was feeling overwhelmed. It started out as “I am Truth. I am Love. I am Light.” After a few repetitions and contemplation, I added the rest to remind me what it means to be Truth, Love, and Light.

“Life flows on within me and without me.”

Recently, I’ve been repeating this mantra during meditation and throughout the day. This is from a song by The Beatles’ “Within You Without You”. Life has existed for billions of years without me and will continue for billions more years after I’m gone, but for right now, in this moment, that same Life flows in me. I’m connected to All Life--to you, dear reader! We’re here and conscious to experience it all--the good, the bad, the light, the dark! This is our chance to live! With this mantra comes strength, gratitude, and commitment to duty.

Finding a Mantra

I’ve shown you three mantras. One shared from another yogi, one from the depths of my own mind, and one from a song. Mantras can look like anything: words of encouragement, prayers from your religion, one syllable sounds. Mantras can feel like anything. You can use the three mantras above, and the meaning you get from the words might be different from my meaning.

Mantras aren’t reserved for meditation. Repeat your mantras whenever you remember them and need them. Write them on a sticky note and stick them on your bathroom mirror. Set them as your phone background. They’re for your benefit-- whatever that looks like!

I encourage you to pick out a mantra today, write it down, and stick it somewhere you’ll see it often. Repeat for at least a couple minutes each day for at least a week.

Journal prompts:

  • Think of a mantra, encouraging words you need to hear. Write your mantra down.

  • What does this mantra mean to you?

  • What do you feel while repeating it?

  • What do you feel after repeating it and how does this differ from how you were feeling before?

  • Does it shift your perspective on a problem or thought? How?

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings everywhere be happy and free. May the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to the happiness of and freedom for all.

With gratitude,



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