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Disclaimer: It is up to you to assess if you are ready and able for any of my yoga videos. I take no responsibility for injuries obtained during these classes. If you have pre-existing injuries, illnesses, other conditions that effect your mobility, breathing, nervous system, etc., or if you are pregnant, consult with your doctor before beginning a yoga practice and tailor the class to your needs.


The practice of yoga requires us to be in tune with our body and needs. If you ever find discomfort or pain in a pose, back out. Gauge whether this is "good discomfort" that which builds strength or "bad discomfort" that leads to pain and injury. This is your responsibility to yourself and to your body.


The use of blocks or other supports (stack of books, chair, pillows) are there to help you find ease and build slowly. Use blankets on top of your mat for more cushioning. If you have any questions, please let me know. I will answer your questions or point you to someone who can.


Take care of yourself. Enjoy yourself.



Yoga Play
This class is about setting the ego aside and having fun. Many people think yoga is about attaining Instagram-ready and rigid postures that sacrifice the breath and movement. I'm here to tell you that's not true! Yoga is a flexible, spacious practice that requires breathing fully and connecting breath with movement. Grab blocks, an upturned bowl, a stack of books, pillows, blankets, whatever you need to get comfortable.


Here's my Spotify playlist to play while you move. If you don't have access to Spotify, turn on some fun upbeat music you enjoy.


Check out these pages for more information!

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